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Latest Software
Beyond the Pillars Winter Voices review
Gaming SoftwareThis rough gem won’t appeal to everyone but if you like thoughtful RPGs with plenty of subtext, it’s well worth its price.
Cyberlink PowerDirector 9 Ultra64 review
SoftwareMuch faster and more refined than before, PowerDirector is now well equipped for demanding as well as casual use
TuneUp Utilities 2011 review
SoftwareSpeed up your PC’s startup times, increase performance and clear out hard disk space with this simple to use, and inexpensive, tool.
Adobe Reader X review
SoftwareAdobe Reader X offers improved security and a bunch of useful new features that make the PDF viewing experience more enjoyable.
Call of Duty: Black Ops review
Gaming SoftwareWith innovations thin on the ground, we simply can’t raise the same level of enthusiasm for this year’s iteration of the popular shooter.
Adobe Premiere Elements 9 review
SoftwareThe improved preview performance is welcome, as are the new effects, but Premiere Elements still lacks polish and feels unwieldy
Fujifilm Digital Imaging Service review
Cameras SoftwareThe Fujifilm Digital Imaging Service member we tested provided better value than most high street shops, but prices vary from branch to branch.
Sony Vegas Pro 10 review
SoftwareSome interesting new features but there’s not quite enough here to justify the price
Snapfish review
Cameras SoftwareWe continue to be impressed by the sheer quality of Snapfish's prints, which comes along with low prices and a simple ordering interface.
Tesco Photo review
SoftwareThe supermarket giant costs more than most and only provides glossy paper, but we were impressed by the quality of our prints.