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Get free money from Amazon on Prime Day

£8 worth of free money, to be exact

If you’ve been scanning Amazon’s Prime Day sale, but haven’t found anything for you, perhaps this will change your mind: free money. Eight British pounds from Amazon to you.
Obviously, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but this is pretty close. At the very least, it’s a free brunch.
Here’s how it works: you visit here and add £80 to your Amazon gift card balance. Amazon will throw in an extra £8 – or an extra 10%, as you’ve probably already figured out.
This is handy for a couple of reasons. First of all, it’s free Amazon credit, and that’s always handy. But more importantly, it’ll allow you to take advantage of an Amazon discount when you actually need something, rather than adding bits to your basket because it seems like a bargain. 
But if you are in the mood to buy something today, there’s nothing stopping you from adding £80 to your gift card, and then spending it right away, of course. It just means you’re getting an even better price than you would normally. You can read about our pick of the Prime Day deals here, but if you choose to buy a Kindle Paperwhite today for £80 – £40 off its normal RRP – then you’ll essentially get a free £8 to spend at a later date. That’s hard to argue with.
The only thing to be careful of is that unused gift cards expire after ten years. If you’re reading about Prime Day deals, that probably doesn’t apply to you, but as a health warning anyway: once applied, you’ll have just 3,650 days to spend your £88. Just imagine what the Kindle of 2029 will look like…  
Get free money from Amazon

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