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Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 Premium review

Our Rating :
Price when reviewed : £96
inc VAT

This accurate speech-to-text tool is powerful and accurate enough to change the way you work for the better

Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 Premium is a software and a hardware combination that lets you dictate to your PC. Your speech can either be written to a word processing document, among others, or used to issue commands to your PC so that it can open files or navigate the Windows Start menu without you having to use the mouse.

The bundled HS-GEN-C headset has separate 3.5mm microphone and headphone connectors but comes with a 3.5mm headset adaptor, too. The headset feels a little cheap, but is lightweight and comfortable to wear for extended periods.

Headset The bundled headset isn’t high-end stuff, but it’s light, comfortable and works well

Conveniently, you can install and activate Dragon on up to five PCs and create multiple user profiles. Each profile stores information about the way you speak and write, your personal dictionaries and the audio device you use. You can add multiple audio devices to your profile, so you’re able to use a separate microphone and headphones. We found that NaturallySpeaking 12.5 Premium worked well with separate audio devices if they were used in a quiet environment. You can even use an iOS or Android phone as a network microphone if you use a special app.

Dragon asks for your age when you create a profile because both your style of speech and your voice can vary with age. It also asks for your region, which determines spelling and word usage, and provides a list of accents. Having selected the UK as our region, we were offered a choice of a “standard” English, Australian, Indian and Southeast Asian accents. We tested the software with both male and female voices speaking with a neutral English accent.

Insert text or image block As well as training Dragon to recognise new words, you can create commands to insert blocks of text and graphics

Dragon to understand your voice and speech patterns. The recommended option here is to read supplied text at a prompted pace, but alternatives are available for those who need to read at their own pace or need to print the text out. Once this training session has been recorded you must wait a few more minutes while Dragon analyses the recorded information and adds the information it’s gleaned about your speech patterns to your profile.

Dragon then asks permission to analyse your emails and documents to increase its vocabulary. Unfortunately, it only checks the default Sent folders belonging to Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail and Lotus Notes, while your My Documents folder is only checked for word processor documents, such as .doc, .rtf and .txt. It doesn’t analyse Google Drive, Google Apps or Microsoft SkyDrive for documents, although you can link webmail accounts to local clients for analysis.

Dragon document analysis Once Dragon has scanned a document you’ve given it to analyse, it’ll pick out all unfamiliar words and get you to add reference recordings of their pronunciation to its dictionary

After training it, Dragon could understand what we were saying with almost complete accuracy. We tested Dragon with a word processor and browser, and issued basic Windows commands. An information window gives you a quick reference guide to appropriate commands for whatever program you’re currently using.

Punctuation must be inserted manually through speech. If you want to use a full stop or comma you must say the words. However, you also need to train NaturallySpeaking’s vocabulary detector to distinguish between the word comma and the comma punctuation mark. We trained the system to insert a comma when we said comma and write the word in response to “word comma”.

There’s also an auto-punctuation mode that does a good job of detecting apostrophes, full stops and so on. This meant we had to make fewer corrections.

When using NaturallySpeaking 12.5 Premium, we found ourselves carefully composing our thoughts before speaking. Even if you do dictate off-the-cuff, it’s relatively easy to select and change sentences. This is also handy if you misspeak or if background conversation gets picked up by accident. With just a few spoken commands, you can navigate through text to highlight, modify or remove erroneous phrases or just delete the last few words you spoke.

You can even tell the program to select words and phrases, delete them, and replace them with something more suitable. If the program’s vocabulary isn’t wide enough, you can train it to recognise new words. This is particularly useful for trademarks, brand names and company names. As an editing tool, it makes you think about the spoken rather than written word. This can result in baggier copy, but it also tends to produce text that sounds truly natural to your inner ear. As we grew more accustomed to the software, we found we could generate text quicker by speaking to the computer than we could by typing.

Dragon’s default behaviour is to record your speech to a dictation box and then transfer it to the document on which you’re working. However, you can disable the dictation box and simply have everything you say appear directly in any application, such as a chat program or Windows’ Command Prompt.

You can also use the system to control the Chrome, IE and Firefox browsers. This gives you extra commands, such as a “send email” command that works with popular webmail services such as Gmail. You can also scroll web pages and navigate using voice commands for the Back and Forward buttons. However, the extension that allows Chrome to be controlled sometimes crashed.


Dragon NaturallySpeaking is an outstanding piece of software. If you’re unable to type or prefer to dictate, Dragon provides a natural-feeling alternative to a keyboard that makes it easy to compose documents and control your PC. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 Premium is a great Business Buy.



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