Collins Spanish/English Dictionary review

Essential if you translate Spanish to English and vice versa.
There are a whole host of foreign language dictionaries and translating apps available for the iPhone.
And it appears that having the ability to communicate in a language that isn’t your native tongue is one of the key requirements from iPhone users. The Collins Pro Spanish-English Translation Dictionary, located at the upper end of the market, is easily one of the most extensive; it’s also one of the most expensive.
Distributed by Ultralingua, a developer of digital dictionaries, the Collins Pro Dictionary, as its name implies, is based on the language data from the Collins publishing house, which has been printing dictionaries for more than 175 years. As you should expect from the £14.99 price tag, this dictionary features a lot of words – more than 100,000 with fully developed translations. It includes thousands of expressions as well as slang, technical terms and indications of their usage.
If you want to translate a word from English to Spanish, you select English-Spanish mode and type the word. Select it from the list of words that appears and you’ll be given the direct translation into Spanish. To conjugate a verb, tap on the ‘-ir’ icon at the bottom of the screen, type in a verb and a list of the conjugated verbs will be displayed. Tap on tenses and you can see the verb in every single tense.
This is one of the most in-depth Spanish-English dictionaries for the iPhone and is a must for anyone learning Spanish.