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Alien: Isolation review - Back to the future

A brilliant recreation of the setting and tension of the original film in videogame form

£22 inc VAT
Company of Heroes 2
Company of Heroes 2 review

More of the same intense RTS action, even if the Eastern Front isn't quite as engaging as the original

£40 inc VAT
Aliens Colonial Marines
Aliens: Colonial Marines review

Far less fun than frenching a facehugger

£29 inc VAT
Total War: Shogun 2
Total War: Shogun 2 review
Gaming Software

With none of the flaws of recent versions, Shogun 2 brilliantly blends strategy and action in a sumptuously rendered historical setting.

£23 inc VAT
Aliens vs. Predator
Aliens vs. Predator review

The atmosphere's brilliant and you feel like you're in either of the films, but the levels are formulaic and repetitive.

£48 inc VAT
Sega Empire: Total War review
Gaming Software
£24 inc VAT