Google IO 2015 – everything you missed

All the big announcements from Google IO 2015 and what we thought of them
With its cash coming from search and advertising, Google could easily have been a very dull company indeed. Instead it has chosen to invest in a mind-boggling range of technologies – some of which may not come to fruition for decades. Google IO is the company’s big annual event, so last month it took a break to show off everything its engineers have being working on.
Over a packed two days we got to see lots of cool new stuff – some of it you can play with today, while other innovations won’t reach consumers for years to come. The new version of Android led the way, with the first developer build of Android M being launched. The company also announced its new Google Photos service, with unlimited free online storage. Looking further ahead we saw Google’s latest developments in wearable technology, virtual reality and the internet of things.
Latest articles
Android M review – hands on
We install the new version of Android on our Nexus 5 and take it for a spin. Read our Android M review – Hands on with Developer Preview.
Google’s gesture-sensing radar
Project Soli is a small chip for wearable devices that detects hand gestures, so that you’re not left fighting with a tiny display. Read more about it in: Google demos Project Soli.
Google teams up with Levi’s
If you’re looking to make smart clothes a day-to-day reality then why not choose a partner with big experience in making a lot of garments and selling them worldwide. Google is serious about wearable computing, read: Google partners with Levi’s to make smart clothes.
Android Wear
A new always on app mode, lots of new apps and gesture control too, read what’s new for Android Wear.
Google Photos
As suspected Google announced its new Google Photos service during its Keynote, which comes with unlimiteed photo storage for free, with a couple of minor caveats. Click the link to read all about the new service, which is available on Android, web and iOS.
Android M features
Google has announced the latest version of Android. Android M Developer Preview is going to be available very shortly for some nexus devices, but click the link to find out about the best new features.
Google VR
Google is looking pretty serious about VR at IO 2015. Its got a new cardboard viewer design, much better handset support, its adding VR to YouTube and it even has a VR camera, in collaboration with GoPro. Read all about it in Google brings VR to YouTube with Jump.
Brillo and Weave: Google’s IoT
Google is looking to standardise the smart home, and everything else in the Internet of Things for that matter. Read how in Google scrubs down Android for Internet of Things.
How to watch and IO Schedule
Google IO kicked off with a keynote at 5.30pm UK time on Thursday the 28th of May. You can watch that keynote below, and many more events at the conference are available by clicking through to YouTube. Unlike some other tech companies. We recommend the Keynote and ATAP events, the other are only for those really interested in the specific subject matter.