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Five things to know before you buy a steam generator iron

5 things to know befor you buy a steam generator iron purple iron on a white background

Steam generators are big, bulky and pricey, so you may be wondering why you’d choose one over a steam iron. Here’s what you need to know

A large ironing pile is rarely a welcome sight. But before you cancel all your weekend plans and schedule an intensive ironing session, it’s worth asking if your steam iron is really up to the job. It may be worth investing in a steam generator iron instead.

The big brothers of conventional steam irons, steam generator irons are built for volume and the most crumpled of creased fabrics. By swapping your steam iron for one, you can tackle that ironing pile faster, more efficiently and achieve a crisp, professional-style finish. Read on to find out if a steam generator iron is right for you.

Five things to know before buying a steam generator iron

1. Do I actually need a steam generator iron?

Whether a steam generator iron would suit you largely depends on what you iron and how frequently you do so. If, for example, you prefer to iron little and often and your pile is usually lightly creased clothes, a speedy steam iron should suffice. They heat up in seconds and as they’re small, they’re easy to store.

Where one of the best steam generator irons comes into its own is if you tend to press heavily creased or large items, such as linens, and prefer to tackle your ironing pile in one session. “Steam generators can produce continuous high pressurised steam, which is very effective, not only for removing tough creases, but also for sanitising,” explains Pelin Su, product manager at Groupe SEB, maker of Tefal and Rowenta.

“This makes steam generators ideal for big families or bulk ironers and needs to tackle tough creases efficiently. The result is faster and more effective than standard ironing, with fewer strokes needed to remove wrinkles. As steam generators produce significantly more steam than a regular iron, they create a more professional finish too.”

Steam generators are able to produce so much steam thanks to their large, separate water tanks, rather than the tank being in the iron. This means you can iron without the need to keep refilling, plus, if you choose one with a boiler in the tank, the steam will be under high pressure: perfect for easing out creases.

“The steam enters the iron after it has already been produced and when the pressure in the boiler is high,” explains steam cleaning expert at Polti, Beverley Martin. “That is why the steam released from a pressurised boiler is different to that of a traditional steam iron. A steam generator iron produces much more steam, plus as it is under pressure, it is drier and more powerful.”

2. Are steam generator irons heavy?

While the actual iron part of a steam generator is often lighter when in use than the average steam iron (as there’s no water tank in it), as a whole unit, steam generator irons are far heavier.

Unfilled, a steam generator weighs anywhere between 3-5kg, which, once the tank is filled (with a capacity between 1.5-2l), can be hefty. Compare that to a basic steam iron, which tends to weigh 1-2kg, with a tank of 200-400ml, and it’s clear how steam generators have earned their reputation for being heavy.

Steam generators are also bulky, so make sure you have a suitable home for them before you buy. Not only will they take up more space, as a weighty item, they’re best stored on lower shelves that are easily accessible.

“If weight is a concern, choosing a model with a compact, lightweight iron and a stable base will help,” suggests Pelin Su. “Some steam generator irons also come with easy storage features and lock-in systems for safe carrying.”

3. Do I need a special ironing board to use a steam generator iron?

A steam generator’s bulk and weight may mean that it’s necessary to rethink your ironing board, especially if it’s not particularly robust or spacious.

If so, you can either add a separate stand for the water tank, or opt for an ironing board that’s specially designed for steam generators. Alternatively, a wide, extra-large board is a good choice as it will be sturdy and provide more width to accommodate the tank.

4. What does the bar pressure of a steam generator iron mean?

Steam generator irons with boilers will state a bar pressure. The higher this is, the more force the steam has to penetrate fabrics, so you won’t have to use as much effort to remove creases.

However, it’s not the only factor to take into account. Also check the steam output, shown in grams per minute (130g/min, for example), which indicates how much steam can be produced, and if there’s a steam shot for getting out the most stubborn creases, which is shown using the same metric (usually 400g/min).

5. Are steam generator irons expensive, and are they worth it?

Steam generator irons can be pricey, with some as much as £500, especially if you’re opting for one with a high bar pressure and steam output, and powerful steam shot. Features that help reduce maintenance can also nudge up the cost. However, there are cheaper models available under £100, which, while not as powerful, can still help you speed through an ironing pile faster than a standard steam iron.

Either way, the higher cost of a steam generator iron is worth it for many, particularly in large or busy households, or simply if you dislike ironing.

“If you’re looking to make your ironing routine quicker and easier, the investment in a steam generator can really pay off,” says Philips’ in-house garment care expert Lamprini Fameli. “The high-pressure steam helps you get through wrinkles much faster, saving time if you iron frequently or tackle larger loads. It’s ideal for piles of school uniforms, work shirts or bedsheets, and can often cut your chore time in half. Plus, with a bigger water tank, you don’t have to keep stopping to refill, which speeds up the process.”

It’s not just ironing that’s less effort, less tiring and more convenient that a steam generator iron can offer. As its powerful steam can be used to freshen up clothes, you could even use one to cut down on unnecessary washing, saving time on laundry loads too.

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