Amazon slashes £45 off the latest Kindle Oasis

Still expensive, but absolutely lovely
The Kindle Oasis has always been a niche product. Ebook readers are usually cheap and cheerful things that are simply required to be long-lasting and more compact than carrying around a paperback library wherever you go.
Amazon tipped that on its head when it introduced the Kindle Oasis, providing a reading experience that is positively luxurious, and a price tag to match.
But now you can get the latest Kindle Oasis for a little less. Amazon has cut the price of the best ebook reader around, reducing it from £229.99 to £184.99 – a saving of £45.
So why would you pay that much for an ebook reader? To be fair, you might not as the Kindle Paperwhite is still a very good product for a whole lot less, but you can make a good case for the Oasis if you want to talk yourself into it. It’s slimmer and sleeker, with an all-metal body that feels great in the hand. It has a larger 7in screen, and, like the Paperwhite, can be read in the bath without worry about water damage thanks to its IPX8 waterproofing.
New for the 2019 version is warm lighting, which is designed to reduce exposure to blue light at night time. This, research suggests, is more relaxing for the eyes and means you won’t have trouble drifting off to sleep if you’re a night-time reader.
“Anyone looking to move up to Amazon’s luxury ebook reader who might have previously been considering the 8in Kobo Forma can now comfortably turn their gaze back to Amazon,” Jon concluded with his review. “With Audible audiobook support, IPX8 waterproofing, super-sleek design and Amazon’s peerless ebook catalogue included, the Kindle Oasis remains at the top of the e-reader tree. It’s simply sublime.”
In other words: if you want the best of the best, the Oasis is for you. And with £45 off, it’s far easier to justify than it was before.
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