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K.G. Orphanides

Recent articles by K.G. Orphanides

UpdateStar Online Backup
UpdateStar Online Backup review

UpdateStar offers easy-to-use unlimited storage, but it's priced significantly higher than all of its competitors.

£45 inc VAT
Gigabyte GA-H55M-S2
Gigabyte GA-H55M-S2 review
Motherboards PCs

One of the cheapest LGA1156 boards we've ever seen, it scrimps on extras but has all the essentials.

£58 inc VAT
Foxconn H55A
Foxconn H55A review
Motherboards PCs

This budget ATX motherboard provides more slots and space than similarly-priced microATX boards but its performance is slightly disappointing for the price.

£75 inc VAT
Asus P7P55-M
Asus P7P55-M review
Motherboards PCs

The P7P55-M's price isn't low enough to justify its mediocre performance and features.

£81 inc VAT
Energenie Hand Charger for Mobile Phones with flashlight and FM radio
Energenie Hand Charger for Mobile Phones

A brilliantly practical wind-up multi-tool, with enough useful features to justify the strange and improbable ones.ENERGENIE

£13 inc VAT
Asrock 880G Extreme 3
Asrock 880G Extreme 3 review

It's a great board at a reasonable price, but you can get more features for the same amount of money elsewhere.

£80 inc VAT
Asrock P55 Pro/USB3
Asrock P55 Pro/USB3 review
Motherboards PCs

Loads of features and blistering performance make this our first choice for an LGA1156 motherboard, despite its lack of integrated graphics support.

£82 inc VAT
Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H
Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H review
Motherboards PCs

One of the cheapest USB3 and SATA III enabled motherboards we've ever reviewed and a great choice for building a capable and compact PC.

£76 inc VAT
Biostar TA890FXE
Biostar TA890FXE review
Motherboards PCs

Biostar's TA890FXE has loads of features including four PCI-E x16 slots, but it's expensive and doesn't have USB3.

£107 inc VAT
Biostar TH55XE
Biostar TH55XE review
Motherboards PCs

It's not a bad budget motherboard, but you can get higher performance for less.

£67 inc VAT